Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Caitlin - An Unexpected Ride.

I looked out the window. The sky was tar-black and the large clouds were moving towards me.
I hopped out of the car at a halt.
I headed to the stables and tacked up my horse.
We headed out, Hazel cleared the first pipe.
I got the first splatter of rain when I was halfway across the Luscious green meadow.
The beautiful cocktail-blue shade was beginning to darken into gravel-grey.
“ Pitter patter “ It was like I swam into a sparkling pool.
Droplets of moisture began to drip from the leaves as I passed through under the large oak tree. Carefully but speedfully.

By Caitlin

1 comment:

  1. Miss Moore Team 100March 16, 2015 at 8:32 AM

    This is a wonderful piece of writing Caitlin! You created great imagery with your choice of words, especially by talking about specific colours such as "gravel-grey" by doing this I can imagine just the colour! Maybe next time you could try varying your sentence openers?
    -Keep up the writing! Miss Moore, Team 100, Lincolnshire, UK.
