Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Blake - the plane crash!

When I looked out the plane window I saw dark clouds and lightning, then it began to rain, it rained and rained. Suddenly cross-winds came in. The plane was going everywhere. Then a big bolt of lightning struck the plane. Inside the plane all the lights went off. I could see light on the plane wing. Then I realized that the plane was on fire. I heard someone say go to the back of the plane and get your parachutes. I got mine and then I jumped out. Then I watched the plane go down in flames. I was safe and sound.

By Blake

1 comment:

  1. I thought this blog was great, I could feel the tension building throughout the story and I was hoping you would make it out alive! Great punctuation and vocabulary. Keep up the fantastic work.
    Mrs Smedley (TEAM100WC)
